MCON Steel RR Rust Remover
Price on request
- MCON Steel RR Rust Remover consists of a low viscosity polyester resins plus catalysed fillers.
- The two components are mixed to produce a filled resin grout which may be poured or pumped into suitably prepared anchor holes.
- The mixed grout is colored grey. MCON Steel RR Rust Remover is used for the anchoring of steel bars and bolts into concrete, masonry, stone and brickwork where speed ofinstallation and early load bearing capacity is required.
- Performs rust removal and rust prevention in one operation in mild conditions.
- improves bond strength of steel with concrete.
- treatment can be carried out at site.
- self-curing.
- Rust remover coat for steel reinforcement
- mcon steel rr is a rust treatment which helps in removing adamantly adhering rust . Mcon steel rr removes the loose rust without losing the strength of metal.